City Council

The Madison Lake Regular City Council Meeting is usually held on the first & third Monday of the month
at 6:00 pm in the Madison Lake Community Room at 525 Main Street, Madison Lake.
Please review the meeting dates under Community Events.
Note: Meetings can be canceled in emergency circumstances or for lack of a quorum.
Please contact City Hall to verify dates prior.

If you have an item you would like addressed at the City Council meeting please contact City Hall at
507.243.3011 to have the item placed on the agenda.

The public has the opportunity to comment on items of public interest during the "Open Public Comments" portion
of each regular City Council Meeting. Those wishing to speak must state their name and address for the record.
Please fill out a yellow comment card and turn it into the mayor before the start of the meeting.
Comments should be limited to five minutes.


Below is the contact information for the City Council. To email all council members click here.


IMPORTANT NOTE: When emailing all or more than three council members to avoid open meeting violations we ask that you include the City Administrator ( Thank you.



Al Dorn, Mayor

512 Main Street
Madison Lake, MN 56063

Term Expires: Dec. 31st 2026
Served Since: 2022

Laurinda Sohre, Council Member

61560 Nutmeg Rd
Madison Lake, MN 56063 

Term Expires: Dec. 31st 2028
Served Since: 2015

Mark Bisch, Council Member

605 5th Street
Madison Lake, MN 56063

Term Expires: Dec. 31st 2028
Served Since: 2025

Ryan Sanders, Council Member
504 Sumac Road
Madison Lake, MN 56063
 Term Expires: Dec. 31st 2026
Served Since: 2019

Pat Burt, Mayor Pro-Tem

1035 Sarah Circle
Madison Lake, MN 56063

Term Expires: Dec. 31st 2026
Served Since: 2015