Compost Site
Hours and Information
The Compost is currently OPEN for the season (weather permitting)!
All info on the summer extended hours is available here.
The compost site is open to City of Madison Lake residents ONLY. Everyone will be asked to show their ID and sign-in.
The NEW COMPOST LOCATION is 61550 230th St, Madison Lake. It is located behind the Public Works building, beneath the blue water tower. The compost site is accessible all day Sunday - Saturday.
Accepted Materials: Grass clippings, leaves, & garden waste at the Public Works Facility.
Garbage is NOT accepted. Please take your garbage bags home with you. LAKE WEEDS are also not accepted by order of the DNR. Guidance on Aquatic Vegetation can be found at
The former compost site will be available by appointment only for BRUSH and BRANCHES 12" or less in diameter during normal business hours.
Failure to abide by compost regulations will result in this service no longer being available to residents.
For questions call the City of Madison Lake at 507.243.3011