City Code

Click here to see digital copy of the City Code. Please note any revised ordinances below which may not be reflected in the digital copy of the City Code.

Revised Ordinances

Below are a brief listing of Ordinances revised that impact the City Code.

Brief Listing of Ordinances

This is a brief listing of ordinances that might be of interest.  Please keep in mind this is not a complete listing of ordinances.  All City Ordinances are on file at City Hall.  Note: Violation of City Ordinances may result in a fine. The Madison Lake Code of Ordinances is published online as a convenience to citizens and the business community.  Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the material published online, the only official edition of the City Code is the printed version maintained by the City Clerk.

Downloaded versions are not official.  Note that the City Council may have made amendments, additions or deletions to the City Code subsequent to the latest online version of the code.

Animal Licenses:

  • The owner of any dog/cat shall register the dog/cat with City Hall. Permit(s) can be obtained here or at City Hall. A $20 payment per dog/cat being registered is required.
  • No household shall own, keep, or harbor more than 2 adult dogs/cats or combination thereof.
  • It shall be unlawful for any person to keep or harbor an animal that habitually barks, cries, howls or otherwise makes audible noises.  This shall be defined as barking, crying, howling, or other noise making for repeated intervals of at least five minutes with less than one minute of interruption.

Grass or Noxious Weeds:

  • It is unlawful to blow grass clippings on the street and/or in the gutters.
  • It is unlawful to allow noxious weeds and other rank growth of vegetation upon public or private property.
  • Height - It shall be unlawful for grass, weeds, or other rank vegetation to be higher than six inches on the average, or any accumulation of dead weeds, grass or brush.

Abandoned Vehicles:

  • It is unlawful to park any unlicensed, unregistered or inoperable motor vehicle on any property, public or private, unless housed within a lawfully erected building.

Other Nuisances:

  • It is unlawful to store materials such as lumber, merchandise, machinery, misc. parts, disabled appliances or salvage goods on private property except as may be normal to the legal use of the property in question, unless housed within a lawfully erected building.

Burning Permits:

  • Burning permits are not issued within City Limits.

Snow Removal:

  • Following a 2-inch or more snowfall, no vehicle shall be parked on any public street until snow has been plowed by the City.
  • Property owners shall remove snow to provide access to mailboxes for post office deliveries.
  • Responsibility for the clearing of City sidewalks remains with the abutting landowner.  All snow, ice, dirt and rubbish remaining on a public sidewalk more than 24 hours after its deposit thereof shall be a public nuisance.
  • You are not allowed to put snow on public roadways or on the sidewalks.

Snow Bird or Seasonal Residents:

  • You are still required to supply us with a meter reading and to pay your monthly water bill by the 15th of each month when you are absent from your residence 1+ months unless you have your service disconnected by the City Maintenance Department at the curb box.  You will be charged a disconnect and reconnect fee for this service.